Electronic Field Due To Point Charge

Electronic Field Due To Point Charge Assignment Help | Electronic Field Due To Point Charge Homework Help

Electronic Field Due To A Point Charge

Let there be a point charge of Q coulombs placed at the centre of an imaginary sphere of radius r metes. The electric intensity at any point on the surface is given by

E =    Q      
     4πεoεr r2

The direction of this electric field intensity is normal to the surface of the sphere at that point.

Though the number of lines of force crossing the sphere at that point are infinite but practically the tubes of force crossing per unit cross-section area is εoεr times the field intensity at that point or tubes of force per unit area.

oεr E= εoεr       Q          =  Q 
                       4π εoεr r2     4πr2

Surface area of sphere = 4πr2
Therefore, total number of tubes of force emanated from charge Q

Q   X 4πr2 = Q

Hence the flux emanating from any charge is equal to its strength in coulombs.

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