Components Of Attitudes Assignment Help | Components Of Attitudes Homework Help

Components of Attitudes

There are three basic components of an attitude described below:

(i)    Cognitive or Informational Component. It consists of beliefs and values, ideas and other information a person has about the attitude object. For instance, ideas and other information a person has about the attitude object. For instance, a person seeking a job may learn from newspapers and other people that a particular company is a good pay-master.

(ii)    Affective or Emotional Component. It involves the person’s feelings of likes and dislikes towards the attitude object.

(iii)    Behavioral Component. The tendency of a person to behave in a particular manner towards
the attitude object is the behavioral component of a attitude.

These components show that an attitude can be considered as a way of thinking, felling and behaving. For example, if someone has favorable thoughts abut his supervisor at the job, he would develop feelings of consideration and respect for him and, as a result, may like to interact more frequently with him.

Components of an Attitude

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