Free Jet Liquid Assignment Help | Free Jet Liquid Homework Help

Free Jet Liquid

Free jet liquid is the jet of liquid coming out from the nozzle in atmosphere. The path traveled by the free jet is parabolic is called as Projectile.

Consider a point P (x, y) on the centre-line of the jet let u is the velocity of jet from nozzle at an angle of 'θ' w.r.t x - axis.

Using equation of motion

S = ut + 1/2 at2

Displacement in x-direction

Sx = ux + 1/2ax t2                           ax = 0

x = u-cos θ t                                   t = x / u cos θ

displacement in y-direction

Sy = ux t + 1/2 ay t                     ay = - g

y = u sin θ. t - gt2 / 2

Substituting the value f ‘t’ from

y = u sin θ ( x / u cos θ ) - g/2 ( x / u cos θ )2

y = x tan θ - gt2 / 2u sec2 θ

This is the equation f free liquid jet and it is parabolic.

Maximum Height:

At maximum height, velocity u-direction becomes zero

v2y  = uy2 + 2ay            0 = u2 sin2 θ-2g (h)

h = u2 sin2 θ / 2g

Time of flight:

Displacement in y-direction

sy  = uy + 1/2 ay t2

y  = u sin θ t - 1/2 gt2

0  = u sin θ t - gt2 / 2                t = 2u sin θ / g

Time to reached the highest point:

The time to reached highest point is has the time of flight.
Let T be the time to reach highest point

T = t / 2 = 2u sin θ / g          T = u sin θ / g


The horizontal distance traveled by the fluid particle is called as horizontal range,

s  = ut + 1/2 at2         ax = 0

R  = u cos θ. t = u cos θ  ( 2u sin θ / g)

R  = u2 sin2θ / g

Value of θ for maximum range:

The range R will be maximum for a given velocity project, when 2θ as maximum,

sin 2θ = 1                             sin 90 = 1

2θ  = 90                                     θ = 450

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