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Change Management

  • Minimizes individuals’ resistance to change
  • Improves participation and support in the change process.
  • Reduces cost since all individuals are involved.
  • There is enhanced individuals performance and motivation

Change Management principles.

1. Human capital management.

It involves leadership team, key stakeholders and the leaders. It deals with collection of data and its analysis that helps in planning and implementation of the change.

2. Top level management involvement at the project initiation point.

Most employees tend to emulate the actions of the top level management.

3. Involvement of individuals at all levels in the organization as they are the implementers.

4. Formalize the change plan.

This involves articulating the need for change to the individuals to be involved in the change process, demonstrating the ability of the organization to achieve the intended goals and laying out a strategy to achieve them.

5. Change Ownership

The project leaders should be pace setters and involve everyone in identifying any project setbacks and getting the solution. It makes individuals feel part of the change and own it up.

6. Communication

Should flow from both bottom to top and top to bottom. It should always be timely and should involve employees input and feedback.

7. Organization culture

Individual’s behaviors, core values and beliefs are key when implementing change.

8. Address culture

Leaders should identify the behavior and culture that support the change and make plans to make the transaction.

9. Preparation for uncertainty.

10. Speak to each individual on how change will affect them and what is expected of them.