Climate For Creativity Assignment Help | Climate For Creativity Homework Help

Climate for Creativity

To be creative, managers create a climate hat encourages creativity. This can be done in the following ways:

1.    Recognize the need for change:

Though people are generally resistant to change, accepting the need for change is necessary to promote creativity. People must fell that they will be benefited by change.

2.    Encourage new ideas :

The manager should clarify that he welcomes new ideas. Listening to new ideas and implementing the profitable ones encourages a creative climate in the organization.

3.    Interaction:

Interaction with people within and outside the enterprise encourages exchange of useful information and generation of new ideas.

4.    Tolerate failure :

New ideas may prove to be failures. People should not get disheartened. They should consider investment of time, money and energy in ideas that have failed as investment for bright future prospects.

5.    Clear objectives :

Managers must have purpose for creativity. They should known what ideas to be tried, when and for what, clear objectives will optimize the use of time, energy and money.

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