Technological Policy Assignment Help | Technological Policy Homework Help

Technological Policy

Frontiers of knowledge are being extended at an incredible speed, opening up wholly new areas and introducing new concepts. Technological advances are influencing life-styles as well as social expectations.

India in known for its diversity, Technological must suit local needs and to make an impact on the actives of ordinary citizens, must give constant though to even small improvements which could make better and more cost effective use of existing materials and method of work.


The basic objectives of the Technology Policy will be the development of indigenous technology and efficient absorption and adaptation of imported technology appropriate to national priorities and resources. Its aims are to:

(a) attain technological competence and self-reliance, to reduce vulnerability, particularly in strategic and critical areas, making and the maximum use of indigenous resources;

(b) provide the maximum gainful and satisfying employment to all strata of society;

(c) use traditional skills and capabilities making use commercially competitive;

(d) ensure the correct mix between mass production technologies and production by the masses;
(e) ensure maximum developments with minimum capital outlay;

(f) identify obsolescence of technology in use and arrange for modernization of both equipment and technology;

(g) developed technologies which are internationally competitive particularly those with export potential;

(h) improve product speedily through great efficiency and fuller utilization of existing capabilities, and enhance the quality and reliability of performance and output;

(i) reduce demands on energy, particularly energy from nonrenewable sources;

(j) ensure harmony with environment, preserve the ecological balance and improve the equality of the habitat; and

(k) recycle waste material and make full utilization of by products.

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